Interested in Donating?
The Portuguese Discovery Monument Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving Portugal's maritime legacy, and providing long-term stewardship and interpretation of the Portuguese Discovery Monument in Newport, RI.
Preserving and programming this fantastic destination takes a lot of hard work and funding. We would be deeply appreciative of your help. Would you consider allocating a small portion of your generosity to the Portuguese Discovery Monument Foundation? In return, you’ll play a major role in the stewardship of an important national treasure and a Newport icon.
Donate Online
The Portuguese Discovery Monument Foundation accepts online donations. To donate, please choose your support level by clicking one of the buttons below:
Donate via Check
The Foundation also accepts donations via check. To donate, please send your check to:
The Portuguese Discovery Monument Foundation
P.O. Box 3516
Newport, RI 02840